Last Friday afternoon, Mark and I loaded up bikes and gear and drove down to Paso Robles so that we could participate in the W*ildflower C*entury on Saturday. That evening we met up with Vicki, Leslie & Sandy from my bike group for dinner. The excuse for the chocolate mousse cake was that we were carbo-loading!
Saturday morning we got up earlier than we wanted to because the person next door got up at 4:30 am and turned on their TV loudly. By 7:05 we had driven the 30 minutes to Creston where the ride would begin. Creston is a small town and when 3500 cyclists descend upon it, it is a sight to behold. My college roommate was riding that day, too, but because of no cell phone coverage, we never could find each other!
The five of us began the ride about 7:20 am in a very wet fog... but by about 10:30 am we were seeing blue sky. It was a pretty tough ride with 6500 ft of climbing, but we finished in just under 7 hours riding time which put us averaging 14 mph. That was our goal. The bad thing about that much climbing is that it seems like you are always going uphill--long steady climbs and then downhills that end too quickly. But then, I guess life is like that too.
The last 10-15 miles were particularly hard because we were riding into a headwind, my butt was tired of sitting on what felt like an axe by that point, and my feet were burning. We drove the 3 hours home and showered and got into the hot tub which made us feel much better! We met a man who was 70 years old riding along. I hope I can still be riding at that age.
Dear Ainsleigh
8 years ago