Wednesday, June 22, 2011

it does NOT get easier

With tears in our eyes, we dropped this boy young man off at the airport.
We won't see him or feel his arms around us for two years, but in our hearts we rejoice for the growth and experiences he will have as he bears testimony of Jesus Christ to the Chinese people in NYC.  We know this because it happened to another son 11 years ago.  But it is not easier the second time around.  Eleven years ago after taking Jeff to the MTC (missionary training center), Mark and I could not speak the whole ride up to the Salt Lake airport.  Our emotions were so close to the surface that we didn't dare open the floodgates.

This morning after saying our goodbyes and expressing our love for him, David joined two other young missionaries to walk to the security line.  I got in the car and the tears started once again, to which Mark said, "Oh knock it off!"  It wasn't harsh.... more pleading, really, so that I wouldn't start a chain reaction in him.  It also served as comic relief.  We will miss that boy, our baby.

As we left the house this morning it was dark, but when we got home I took a picture of the posters that the YW (young women) in our ward had made and used to decorate our yard.
I took them down and took another picture of them all together.
No it does not get easier.

Monday, June 6, 2011

a great week, part 1

It seems that in our family we tend to cram as much fun and excitement as we can into a small window of time.  
The kids and grandkids began arriving home on the evening of May 26.  They were coming for Jeff & Jess' wedding.  They came from Colorado, North Carolina, Utah, and New York.  On Friday, we had the wedding rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner.  

On Saturday, David went to the temple for the first time and we were joined by Sarah, Joel, Allison & Dave.
On Saturday afternoon, Mark took some of the grandkids, sons-in-law, and Becca's boyfriend, Austin, horseback riding.  

Gemma was very sad as they rode off and she was too young to ride.
On Sunday morning, we all attended church to hear David give his farewell talk prior to entering the MTC (missionary training center) on June 22.  He did a great job and there were many friends there to support him besides his family.

We hurried home from church so the kids could nap before heading out to the wedding.  It was a lovely ceremony. 

The bride was beautiful.  

The flower girls were adorable.  Maybe because they are my granddaughters?

Jess with her bridesmaids and flower girls
Watching an episode of "Dora" while waiting their turn for pictures.
The ring bearer was darling. Well, he is our only grandson! 
The groom was handsome.  
Nick (best man) and Jeff
We had a chance to take lots of family pictures.  
Our 6 kids, I can't believe they're so old!
The original 8 of us
 My girls and I
Our grandchildren.  Annabelle was not happy!
The younger three kids.
Allison & Dave & their girls

(Somehow, I managed to miss taking a picture of Sarah & her family)
Austin had a chance to spend a lot of time with us.  He was a real champ for sticking it out for the whole week!
The food was delicious and we had a great time dancing.  

 Donovan had some sweet break dancing moves
 Annabelle like the dancing more than picture taking with the grandparents.
The groomsmen ham it up
Rebecca caught or was hit by the bouquet, one of the two.  
 And then the bride and groom headed off in their limo.