Friday, March 25, 2011

my baby

How did this little guy become this young man?
Today is my baby's 19th birthday. The last year that I'll ever have a teenager.  Last year's post said it all.  He's still sweet, funny, and sarcastic.  Initially, we thought 5 kids were enough, but I couldn't imagine our family without him. The big news this year is (if you haven't already heard!) that he will be serving a 2 year LDS mission to the New York City South Mission, speaking Mandarin Chinese.  He enters the Mission Training Center on June 22. We are very proud of the man that he is becoming. Happy Birthday, David!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


We just watched a documentary that is entertaining, funny, and informative.  It is an answer to the documentary "Supersize Me" and is called "Fat Head." We streamed it from Netflix. (Have I done enough promotions, yet?)

I found it fascinating.  I have always been interested in knowing about fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and what makes some people fat and others not so much.  This documentary takes a hard look at what information we have been fed (pun intended) and the "studies" that support them.

So, start giving your children whole milk (their brains need the fats), use butter, eat meat. Low-fat diets can cause depression, saturated fat doesn't cause heart disease.  Trust mother nature.

Go to the website.  I recommend it.