Friday, April 22, 2011

a fun change

I always love a home improvement project, even (especially?) when I'm not the one doing the work!

When we first moved to this house, there were about 7 "indents", large niches? (I don't know what they are called), waiting to be filled.  In the upstairs playroom we had a huge entertainment wall unit built.  Some of the niches were filled with Mark's office furniture & the dining room china hutch, which fit quite nicely.  But the family room TV didn't quite fill the space and the desk I was using was cramped and small and made me feel like I was in a cave.  This week that changed.

We went from this:
To this (had to upgrade the TV of course):
And from this (actually it was worse than this because I have an additional screen besides my laptop, so my screen was squished onto the desk and my laptop was on a TV tray off to the side. But I couldn't find any other picture.  Attractive, right?):

To this:

I can't believe how much I love my desk!  I've never really had a desk of my own--I always shared with the kids or just had that cramped small make-do desk.  Of course, that doesn't mean anyone will get any more work out of me....


laura said...

Oooh, fancy! It looks really nice.

Allison said...

Very nice! The TV area looks so clean, and the desk really is quite fancy. It seems a bit sturdier than the TV tray!

Becca said...

Oh my goodness! Another new TV!! What'd you did with the 'old' one? Fun TV hutch!

Alyson said...

I love it! I'll have to get the name of your cabinet guy when we're ready...we have the same issue with a niche in our family room, and I want a built-in wall cabinet in our bonus room at some point. Yours look great - and I love the desk!

Sarah said...

YAAAAAYY!! Funsies for you and Pappy.

Lisa said...

They look so great! We love it.