Friday, August 26, 2011

old mind, new things

Well, this is a real experiment. Can she learn to blog from the ipad? At first, I wasn't sure if it was possible. I mean, I could use the browser on the ipad to see my blog, and theoretically type on it, but I couldn't post photos that way. I had already downloaded an app to access Picasa, but that didn't help. "I can't post pictures on my blog from the ipad," I announced. Wait a minute.... maybe there is an app for that, too! I went to my computer and typed in "blogger apps" and lo! and behold! So with the help of the wireless keyboard, I'm giving it a try. And just because I can, I'm posting a picture as a trial.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Alyson said...

That is awesome!!! I was wondering the same thing when I was fooling around on our iPad, and couldn't figure it out.

Technology is just amazing...I remember as a teenager trying to explain to my 75+ year old grandma how a fax machine worked (I'm still not quite sure how it works to be honest!). If she could only see us now! Makes me wonder what my grandkids will be explaining to me in 30 years!

laura said...

You are so tech-savvy!