Monday, June 2, 2014

Quilts & a Rainbow

I was a busy girl the first 4 months of the year, cranking out these four quilt tops.  Then I got to spend 4 days at Wendy's house quilting and crafting like a mad woman.  Besides these four quilts, we made Easter banners, visited quilt stores, and shopped.  It was great fun as it always is when I go to Wendy's house.  She always has a ton of new ideas and a ton of new quilt tops to show me.
 This one I made for Rebecca's new house.
 This one I made for Jess & Jeff's new couch.  And because they requested it.  They said they couldn't share the other one I made them.
 This one doesn't have a destination yet, but I made it from stuff I had on hand.  Except for the back.
 This is a queen sized quilt that is going in the room that used to be David's.  I'm doing some remodeling.  Sorry David.
We had SOME rain this winter.  Not enough so we are in a drought situation.  But one day we had a full rainbow visible in our backyard!

1 comment:

Dawn Thurston said...

Beautiful work, Wanda. You're amazing.