How ironic is this? I'm on my way with David to pick up Jeff's car from the auto body repair place (his car had been hit while parked in front of our house) and I get in an accident! I won't go into the boring details, but basically a woman tried to make a left turn in front of me without a clear view of me. I slammed on my brakes, but ended up hitting her. Her car received more damage than mine. David's comment was "of course, your car is a TANK!" Since I just happened to be going to an auto body shop, I got an estimate which was a little more than $1200 - cheap by car standards.
But the thing that irritates me the most is that in 40 years of driving, I've never been in an accident. (You can't count backing out of the garage and ripping the side-view mirror off, can you?) But now that record is ruined. Even if it wasn't my fault.
Dear Ainsleigh
8 years ago
Oh no! Oh Moomsie-daisy, be sure to take some advil or something before sleep (is it too late for that) to help alleviate future neck soreness. Remember when I had that neck brace?
Yikes, that sounds freaky(though having David's version of it relayed to me via Facebook chat was probably much more amusing than the actual experience). But I'm glad you guys are okay!!
Wow I'm impressed 40 years of driving and no accident. I've been driving for 14 years and have been in 5 accidents which 2 were my fault. Glad you guys were okay.
I didn't realize you hadn't ever been in an accident, just that you never had a speeding ticket until you got your red car...
I'm sorry! They never tell you how much it shakes you up, even when it's not your fault. I would like to hear David's version, though!
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