Sunday, September 13, 2009

the last (fill in the blank)

This year will be filled with *lasts*. The previous post was about one of those. But I have to make note of a couple of others. This week marked the last Back to School night we will attend. Six children times 13 years of school equals 78 Back to School nights. Of course, sometimes there were as many as 3 children attending the same school so that number isn't entirely accurate, but you get the idea. I don't think I will miss that ritual, but I could be wrong. Of course, I wasn't entirely mature about this one either. David's English class is called "Literature and Social Justice." His teacher likes to have people open up about their feelings. David had told us about her. When someone tells about some experience, she responds with, "Thank you for sharing that, it was really powerful." (or something like that-- always using the word "powerful.") It really bugs David. He even texted his dad during English one day, complaining of her overuse of the word. So when she began her overview of the course at Back to School Night, and used the word powerful to describe one of the books they'll be reading this year, I couldn't resist. I started counting. And in the next 12 minutes, she used the word powerful 6 times. It kind of loses its power. The other major last event this month is the senior picture. I have a wall in my family room with all my kids' pictures. Each year I would swap out their old school picture for their current one. Until their senior picture, and then that one just stayed, making me believe that they were all still in high school and still mine. I know that isn't really true, but it makes me feel better. And now I will have a matched set. Quite amazing, really, as it has been 16 years in the making. Almost powerful. (I know I've posted the younger picture before, but I couldn't resist the comparison. It's one of my all time favorite pictures. Thanks, Yvette)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

This post was powerful.

Sorry, I couldn't resist :)