Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, Becca!

The way Rebecca entered this world should have given me some idea of the personality I was dealing with. All the panting and blowing in the world couldn't keep her in and she was delivered on the bed I was laboring in. (In those days they made you change from a labor bed to a delivery bed.) She entered the world like gangbusters despite all of my efforts to keep her in. It was apparent from the beginning of life that she had/has a mind of her own.She's funny, energetic, lively, and delightful. She can't sit still and loves to be out doing things. She also can tire me out! The house is noticeably quiet when Rebecca is gone, but that's not necessarily a good thing. Her nieces and nephews adore crazy Aunt Becca. But she's not all crazy. She's warm-hearted and tender. She feels all things deeply whether it be ups or downs. Happy Birthday, Becca-boo!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love how you could tell her personality by her labor :) What a funny story.