Saturday, October 30, 2010


The people at Starbucks lie.  Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate IS DELICIOUS. They said it wasn't.
What brought about this PSA?  I recently bought Pumpkin Spice Coffemate.  While on my girl's weekend, we were at the airport Starbucks and KC ordered a "pumpkin steamer" which is just hot milk with the pumpkin flavoring.  It was really good and so when I got home and saw the pumpkin coffeemate at the store so I bought it.  I was telling Sarah about it and she said she asked the people at Starbucks once if they did a pumpkin hot chocolate and they said they tried it once and it wasn't good.  Well, I'm here to tell you it is fabulous.  Maybe not the way Starbucks does it, but mine was soooo good.  Try it out if you like pumpkin and chocolate.  And really, who doesn't.  Add that to the White Chocolate Pumpkin Spice popcorn that Sarah sent for my birthday and I'm in hog (yes, indeed) heaven.
Your welcome.


kris nielsen said...

Sounds good. Do I add the pumpkin spice to plain hot milk or to hot chocolate?

wanda said...

It is good either way!