Saturday, June 12, 2010

It seems like just yesterday

How did this boy

grow up so fast?

Wasn't it just yesterday that he graduated from Tiny Tots?

Last night, he graduated from high school.
I have packed my last school lunch. I wonder how many I have done in the last 29 years?

Mark was nearly 40 years old when David was born and he was worried he'd be attending David's graduation in a walker.... I mean, it sounded so far away and we'd be so OLD!  I don't think Mark ever imagined that the morning of graduation, he would ride 40+ miles on his bike.  And earlier in the week he ran 4 miles.  Not even close to a walker!


Alyson said...

Reading this post brought tears to my eyes. I see how fast time is going, and know that before I know it, we'll be kissing our babies and sending them on their way.
Way to go David...and you did it!!!

Lisa said...

I refuse to believe that Jonathan will someday grow up like that. I simply refuse.

Mark's "old" self is way more in shape than I ever have been. You guys rock.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Alyson .. we cry about EVERYTHING these days. =o)

I can't even think about Mallory starting school, let alone graduating high school. That makes me sad knowing they grow up so fast.

Way to go Mark for being so in shape! That's amazing!

Allison said...

I totally remember how worried Pappy was about high school graduation, and look at you guys! Dad's probably in better shape now than back then, huh?

And thanks a lot. Yet another reason to dread sending Mabes to school this fall--apparently she'll be graduating before I know it.